This was on my home web page today:
"Purse, cocaine not hers, Hilton told Vegas police (AP) - 1 hour ago
AP - Paris Hilton had an explanation for police: The rolling papers, $1,300 in cash and several credit cards were hers, but not the purse they were in."
I read this and nearly gagged in disbelief. Who does Paris Hilton think we are...a bunch of dumb clucks like she is? Does she really believe that the public will swallow this horse crap? Maybe her fans will but anyone with a shred of intelligence will just recognize her for the dough head she is. Hey, maybe that will be Roger Clemens' excuse...'Well the syringe was mine but what was inside it was not.'
These days far too many 'celebrities' get away with all sorts of stuff that the average Joe would be in jail for a long while. Look at that skank Lindsey Lohan. She barely spent enough time in her jail cell to get her bed warm AND THEN she manges to get out of rehab long before her scheduled release date. Will this encourage this skank to shape up? No it won't. Slaps on the wrist only leads them to believe that they can get away with anything because of their celebrity status. She will continue her spiral downward until she meets an early end and you know what? I won't give a damn. Besides, I wouldn't touch Lindsey, let alone Paris, with Mr. Ed's wiener. I can hear poor Mr. Ed now..."Oh Wilburrrr...I itch down there Wilburrrr....Call me a Vet Wilburrr! Get me some Penicillin Wilburrr!' OK, I am getting a little disgusting but so are the lives that both Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan lead.
These so called celebrities are horrible role models for today's youth. It is sad that they get as much press as they do as they are walking advertisements for partying, drugs and unlimited sex. Its bad enough that today's youth are growing up to be the laziest generation that we have ever produced but to add this list of nonsense to it is very worrisome. With my generation if we wanted something we worked for it. We earned the money to get what we wanted. Not today. Today is the I want it now and you had better get it for me generation and you know what. They usually get it without lifting a finger. What did Paris Hilton do to earn her status? NOTHING!!! She was just born into the right family, that is all. And look what she has become. A walking mound of useless, oxygen wasting, trash. Most people have to work their butts off just to get anything, Not Paris as she just bonks her butt off.
What your King would like to see is less focus on the skank whores of the world and more on the hard working people who keep this country running. But will we see that? No. Skank sells newspapers. Skank generates ratings. Skank sells magazines. Heroes don't. When was the last time People magazine featured our soldiers in action? How many times have you seen 'Soldier of Fortune' in the rack near the cashier? You know the answer to those two questions.
That is enough pontificating for tonight my friends. Please tune in again soon when your King presents another episode of "As the Moron Turns"!
King Dinglefritz of Moronica reports on happenings in life in general in what he hopes is a rather humorous way in homage to the creators of the Kingdom of Moronica - The Three Stooges. Your King has also opened a Hall of Fame to honor certain individuals or related things that have achieved greatness in the world of Moronica and deserve recognition as being superbly moronic. Moronica Uber Alles!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Mumblings From a Moron...I mean From Moronica
1) I had to laugh tonight. I was watching the Weather Channel and they had a commercial for some kind of show that they were going to present about the Titanic. The narrator of the commercial actually said that 'the scientists were going to send a sub down to find out what happened to the Titanic after it hit the iceberg'. They should have come to me first as I could have saved them a lot of time and sank.
2) Join with me and picture this. I am talking about the proposed mating of two TV personalities, one local and one national. They are Rachel Barnhart for Rochester's channel 13 news and Sheamus from World Wrestling Entertainment. Now these two are two of the whitest white people I have ever seen with the reddest hair on this planet. They are literally human jars of mayonnaise with red caps. If these two mated I swear their kids would be neon white with hair as red as a flashing police light. The sun would not be their friend.
3) Is there a commercial funnier than the Travelers Insurance commercial with the rattlesnake and the bunny. You hear the snake, you see the poor bunny and then the bunny starts laughing it's ass off. You see the rattlesnake was in an accident and lost its rattle and had a sub par part put on (a baby's rattle taped on with duct tape). The bunny's friends come out to see what is so funny and they start laughing at the poor snake. The snake looks at his crappy rattle and soon hides his face with the rattle going completely limp....brilliant. I give a close second place to the Geico commercials with pitcher Randy Johnson.
4) Please let me know if there is a football player more greedy than the Jets #24 Darnell(?) Revis. What he is asking for is a crime. While he is very good the money that these guys now demand is a sin. Hey, its just a game. If worse comes to worse they can do without you. He has three years left on the contract he happily signed a couple of years ago. Honor your contract and report for work you greedy slug.
5) Your King was nearly assassinated, please no cheering, at the Deerfield golf course on Friday the thirteenth. It was our last hole in the tournament and all of a sudden we hear a distant "FORE". Well, the golf cart that your king had just gotten out of was bombed by a ball. This was one bad shot, I mean really bad. It was forty yards left of and about fifteen yards deeper than the green he supposedly was aiming at. It had to be a assassination attempt as no one is that bad, not even your King. Speaking of this tournament your King had probably more than his fair share of brilliant shots during it. My seven wood from 210 yards out on the par 5 18th hole to within a foot of the cup was the talk of the clubhouse. Well, not really but it should have been. It was the easiest eagle putt I ever made.
Well, while I am in the mood to write more, my mind just is not producing like it should. I am sure it has to be a disappointment to all of my royal subjects of Moronica that I do not opine more often. Well, what I need is a long vacation on a nice beach with a cooler full of beer and a cute beach bunny at my side. Yeah, right as we all know THAT is going to happen. While I am dreaming I may as well wish for a pony as I have a better chance of getting that. Until my brain, and will to write, returns to normal my writings will be a bit sporadic but, my friends, please stay thirsty for my written droppings. Your King wishes you a pleasant evening.
2) Join with me and picture this. I am talking about the proposed mating of two TV personalities, one local and one national. They are Rachel Barnhart for Rochester's channel 13 news and Sheamus from World Wrestling Entertainment. Now these two are two of the whitest white people I have ever seen with the reddest hair on this planet. They are literally human jars of mayonnaise with red caps. If these two mated I swear their kids would be neon white with hair as red as a flashing police light. The sun would not be their friend.
3) Is there a commercial funnier than the Travelers Insurance commercial with the rattlesnake and the bunny. You hear the snake, you see the poor bunny and then the bunny starts laughing it's ass off. You see the rattlesnake was in an accident and lost its rattle and had a sub par part put on (a baby's rattle taped on with duct tape). The bunny's friends come out to see what is so funny and they start laughing at the poor snake. The snake looks at his crappy rattle and soon hides his face with the rattle going completely limp....brilliant. I give a close second place to the Geico commercials with pitcher Randy Johnson.
4) Please let me know if there is a football player more greedy than the Jets #24 Darnell(?) Revis. What he is asking for is a crime. While he is very good the money that these guys now demand is a sin. Hey, its just a game. If worse comes to worse they can do without you. He has three years left on the contract he happily signed a couple of years ago. Honor your contract and report for work you greedy slug.
5) Your King was nearly assassinated, please no cheering, at the Deerfield golf course on Friday the thirteenth. It was our last hole in the tournament and all of a sudden we hear a distant "FORE". Well, the golf cart that your king had just gotten out of was bombed by a ball. This was one bad shot, I mean really bad. It was forty yards left of and about fifteen yards deeper than the green he supposedly was aiming at. It had to be a assassination attempt as no one is that bad, not even your King. Speaking of this tournament your King had probably more than his fair share of brilliant shots during it. My seven wood from 210 yards out on the par 5 18th hole to within a foot of the cup was the talk of the clubhouse. Well, not really but it should have been. It was the easiest eagle putt I ever made.
Well, while I am in the mood to write more, my mind just is not producing like it should. I am sure it has to be a disappointment to all of my royal subjects of Moronica that I do not opine more often. Well, what I need is a long vacation on a nice beach with a cooler full of beer and a cute beach bunny at my side. Yeah, right as we all know THAT is going to happen. While I am dreaming I may as well wish for a pony as I have a better chance of getting that. Until my brain, and will to write, returns to normal my writings will be a bit sporadic but, my friends, please stay thirsty for my written droppings. Your King wishes you a pleasant evening.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
King Vs. Lost Liberties
In the past month or so, in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle newspaper's 'Letters to the Editor' section, I have read with amusement the 'tennis match' involving readers writings in regards to 'liberties being lost' thanks to the Obama administration. The letter by a young lady in Canandaigua in today's, Saturday, August 14, paper has finally spurred me to chime in on it because it was a complete joke.
The title of the letter is "Lost Liberties are adding up" and just the title of which makes me laugh out loud. Let us look at this letter paragraph by paragraph and see what adds up.
1) The first paragraph talks about the administration's takeover of the auto industry and the resulting forced closure of 'thousands of profitable dealerships'. First of all this had to do with the bankruptcy aspect of GM and Chrysler. To emerge from bankruptcy they had to 'trim the ship'. Part of trimming the ship was to cut back on the unprofitable dealerships across the nation. It is true that some weakly profitable dealerships also met their maker, or made changes in order to survive, but the dealerships that survived are now stronger because of it. The vast majority of the dealers that closed were unprofitable and yes some jobs were lost but with the increased sales at the surviving dealerships some jobs were created.
2) The second paragraph paragraph states that GM and Chrysler shareholders saw their investments confiscated by the government in favor of the UAW. This is a crock of Hee Haw. GM and Chrysler would no longer exist if it were not for the government's bailout. The government did not confiscate investor holdings. First of all the stocks for both companies were nearly worthless anyways prior to the bankruptcy and when their bankruptcies were filed that finished off the stock. Now tens of thousands of auto industry and auto industry related jobs were saved thanks to the government bailouts. Companies that were dinosaurs and would not have survived much longer are now leaner and meaner and for two quarters in a row now GM has posted a profit. I have not seen Chrysler's numbers. The state of Michigan would have become a welfare state if not for government intervention. Even though Michigan is not in a pleasant state right now can you imagine what it would be like without the auto industry being saved? It would be pathetic.
Notice how I have not addressed any liberties that would affect you or I personally.
3) The third paragraph states that the administration is ignoring their own scientists recommendations by imposing a moratorium on offshore drilling resulting in huge job losses. This statement is another crock of Hee Haw. First of all it is only a six month moratorium on deep sea drilling. In other words the government wants to take a time out to research what happened and to possibly take steps to prevent this from happening again. When the space shuttle disasters happened did NASA keep on flying? No, they did not. They declared a moratorium on flights until they were able to research the problem and effect proper safeguards to prevent the same disaster from happening again. The companies that drill in the North Sea have much tougher guidelines to adhere to in order to be able to deep sea drill that will prevent what happened in the gulf from happening there. They have much better oil leak prevention technologies in place. Damn those socialist governments and their regulations!!! This paragraph also says that this moratorium has also resulted in huge job losses in Louisiana, I would like to see her figures on this as I would bet that the job losses created by the spill will create many more and longer duration job losses than this six month moratorium ever will. The tourism industry and the fishing industry and their dependent companies have lost many jobs. Jobs that will not return after six months.
The letter finishes by stating that "while these examples may may not impact you, but a government powerful enough to destroy livelihoods is powerful enough to do the same to all citizens". OK, first of all the letter does not state a single example of a liberty that has been infringed on. Auto industry livelihoods were saved by the government's auto industry bailout. People are still at work making cars in this country for GM and Chrysler instead of being on unemployment or welfare and this includes all of the other industries that depend on GM and Chrysler for their work. If this did not happen all that really would have been left was Ford and all of the foreign companies.
What would happen if we let the oil industries regulate themselves? I cannot, nor would I want to, imagine what our world would look like. Government regulations keep them in line and they need to be made tougher. Hey, when these companies make five to ten billion dollars in profit per quarter they can afford to make each well safer. The technology is there and they should be forced to use it. A lot of people want pristine areas opened up for drilling. At this time that would be a joke unless future gulf like disasters can be prevented completely. The Obama administration was willing to open up more areas for exploration but this has made them rethink this.
Losing these 'liberties' allowed the government to save American auto industry jobs and will help prevent future environmental disasters. I guess the letter writer would have preferred that hundreds of thousands of auto industry, and their dependant companies, workers be out of work and the Gulf of Mexico to be akin to the floor of an auto repair shop.
Your King has spoken.
The title of the letter is "Lost Liberties are adding up" and just the title of which makes me laugh out loud. Let us look at this letter paragraph by paragraph and see what adds up.
1) The first paragraph talks about the administration's takeover of the auto industry and the resulting forced closure of 'thousands of profitable dealerships'. First of all this had to do with the bankruptcy aspect of GM and Chrysler. To emerge from bankruptcy they had to 'trim the ship'. Part of trimming the ship was to cut back on the unprofitable dealerships across the nation. It is true that some weakly profitable dealerships also met their maker, or made changes in order to survive, but the dealerships that survived are now stronger because of it. The vast majority of the dealers that closed were unprofitable and yes some jobs were lost but with the increased sales at the surviving dealerships some jobs were created.
2) The second paragraph paragraph states that GM and Chrysler shareholders saw their investments confiscated by the government in favor of the UAW. This is a crock of Hee Haw. GM and Chrysler would no longer exist if it were not for the government's bailout. The government did not confiscate investor holdings. First of all the stocks for both companies were nearly worthless anyways prior to the bankruptcy and when their bankruptcies were filed that finished off the stock. Now tens of thousands of auto industry and auto industry related jobs were saved thanks to the government bailouts. Companies that were dinosaurs and would not have survived much longer are now leaner and meaner and for two quarters in a row now GM has posted a profit. I have not seen Chrysler's numbers. The state of Michigan would have become a welfare state if not for government intervention. Even though Michigan is not in a pleasant state right now can you imagine what it would be like without the auto industry being saved? It would be pathetic.
Notice how I have not addressed any liberties that would affect you or I personally.
3) The third paragraph states that the administration is ignoring their own scientists recommendations by imposing a moratorium on offshore drilling resulting in huge job losses. This statement is another crock of Hee Haw. First of all it is only a six month moratorium on deep sea drilling. In other words the government wants to take a time out to research what happened and to possibly take steps to prevent this from happening again. When the space shuttle disasters happened did NASA keep on flying? No, they did not. They declared a moratorium on flights until they were able to research the problem and effect proper safeguards to prevent the same disaster from happening again. The companies that drill in the North Sea have much tougher guidelines to adhere to in order to be able to deep sea drill that will prevent what happened in the gulf from happening there. They have much better oil leak prevention technologies in place. Damn those socialist governments and their regulations!!! This paragraph also says that this moratorium has also resulted in huge job losses in Louisiana, I would like to see her figures on this as I would bet that the job losses created by the spill will create many more and longer duration job losses than this six month moratorium ever will. The tourism industry and the fishing industry and their dependent companies have lost many jobs. Jobs that will not return after six months.
The letter finishes by stating that "while these examples may may not impact you, but a government powerful enough to destroy livelihoods is powerful enough to do the same to all citizens". OK, first of all the letter does not state a single example of a liberty that has been infringed on. Auto industry livelihoods were saved by the government's auto industry bailout. People are still at work making cars in this country for GM and Chrysler instead of being on unemployment or welfare and this includes all of the other industries that depend on GM and Chrysler for their work. If this did not happen all that really would have been left was Ford and all of the foreign companies.
What would happen if we let the oil industries regulate themselves? I cannot, nor would I want to, imagine what our world would look like. Government regulations keep them in line and they need to be made tougher. Hey, when these companies make five to ten billion dollars in profit per quarter they can afford to make each well safer. The technology is there and they should be forced to use it. A lot of people want pristine areas opened up for drilling. At this time that would be a joke unless future gulf like disasters can be prevented completely. The Obama administration was willing to open up more areas for exploration but this has made them rethink this.
Losing these 'liberties' allowed the government to save American auto industry jobs and will help prevent future environmental disasters. I guess the letter writer would have preferred that hundreds of thousands of auto industry, and their dependant companies, workers be out of work and the Gulf of Mexico to be akin to the floor of an auto repair shop.
Your King has spoken.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Mumblings from Moronica
1) So New York State finally has a budget. Big deal. Time for New Yorkers to get soaked again. They increased the bloody thing by another 7+%. It sure would be nice sometime to see it remain stable or reduced but that will not happen in our lifetimes. Not with the current band of idiots that we elected.
2) With the current real estate market it looks like Moronica will remain where it is for the foreseeable future. It has until October 31st to sell before I take it off the market for the winter. I would prefer to keep it off the market but the payments are a lot more than 40% of Moronica's net income. Ideally it should be around 30%. I am holding my own though and that leads me to wonder what the former Moronican treasurer did with all of the funds in the treasury. Your King has learned a valuable lesson, never, NEVER let the wife control the finances.
3) Well, BP has finally capped the well. Only after many months of leaking that has turned the Gulf of Mexico into the floor of an auto repair shop. They are still cleaning up in Alaska after over twenty years since the Exxon Valdez disaster. This leak, even after they figure in all the oil that was collected and or burned off, is still many times worse than that. Lets hope BP puts on a better face than Exxon as Exxon is still fighting to avoid paying for their mess. At least BP seems to be manning up for the time being.
4) How about our Rochester sports teams? The Rhinos put us to sleep and the Red Wings should be put to sleep. I do not know what it is about D-2 soccer but, and believe me I love the sport, they play the most boring brand of futbol you can imagine. I have watched the Rhinos play a few games on the telly and I think I have seen them score one goal. SNORE!!! At least the Red Bulls are on the telly. I will give the MLS credit as for the most part the games are a lot more entertaining than the Rhino games even though there is the occasional clunker. In regards to the Red Wings, the less said the better.
5) My hats off to Spain. They are the 2010 World Cup champions. Despite the attempts by the Netherlands to hack them to pieces they managed to get the game winner late in the game. At halftime it was obvious that the Netherlands did not go into the locker room to devise some strategy but to sharpen their spikes. The third place game between Germany and Uruguay was much more fun to watch.
6) One more bit of soccer fun. Poor Robert Green, the goalie for England whose 'Hand of Clod' moment gave the United States a tie with them, is feeling the heat getting ready for the upcoming Premier League season. He plays for West Ham and everyone knows that wherever the team plays this year he will hear it from the fans. It is said that his own team mates are trying to toughen him up by insulting him during practice to get him ready for it. Only in England.
7) The Town of Gates is finally getting a new library. Sue Swanton, a democrat whose main platform while trying to unseat Ralph Esposito as supervisor was to get a new library must be happy. The town board voted 4-1 for it. What is funny is that the lone vote against the new library was cast by the lone democrat. Go figure.
Sue Swanton does have a good point about the building plans for the new Library. They are planning to build a two story facility for it. She says a good library should only be one story and I side with her on this one. They should rethink it and build a proper library. Do it right the first time.
Well, That is it from Moronica tonight. Stay thirsty my friends.
2) With the current real estate market it looks like Moronica will remain where it is for the foreseeable future. It has until October 31st to sell before I take it off the market for the winter. I would prefer to keep it off the market but the payments are a lot more than 40% of Moronica's net income. Ideally it should be around 30%. I am holding my own though and that leads me to wonder what the former Moronican treasurer did with all of the funds in the treasury. Your King has learned a valuable lesson, never, NEVER let the wife control the finances.
3) Well, BP has finally capped the well. Only after many months of leaking that has turned the Gulf of Mexico into the floor of an auto repair shop. They are still cleaning up in Alaska after over twenty years since the Exxon Valdez disaster. This leak, even after they figure in all the oil that was collected and or burned off, is still many times worse than that. Lets hope BP puts on a better face than Exxon as Exxon is still fighting to avoid paying for their mess. At least BP seems to be manning up for the time being.
4) How about our Rochester sports teams? The Rhinos put us to sleep and the Red Wings should be put to sleep. I do not know what it is about D-2 soccer but, and believe me I love the sport, they play the most boring brand of futbol you can imagine. I have watched the Rhinos play a few games on the telly and I think I have seen them score one goal. SNORE!!! At least the Red Bulls are on the telly. I will give the MLS credit as for the most part the games are a lot more entertaining than the Rhino games even though there is the occasional clunker. In regards to the Red Wings, the less said the better.
5) My hats off to Spain. They are the 2010 World Cup champions. Despite the attempts by the Netherlands to hack them to pieces they managed to get the game winner late in the game. At halftime it was obvious that the Netherlands did not go into the locker room to devise some strategy but to sharpen their spikes. The third place game between Germany and Uruguay was much more fun to watch.
6) One more bit of soccer fun. Poor Robert Green, the goalie for England whose 'Hand of Clod' moment gave the United States a tie with them, is feeling the heat getting ready for the upcoming Premier League season. He plays for West Ham and everyone knows that wherever the team plays this year he will hear it from the fans. It is said that his own team mates are trying to toughen him up by insulting him during practice to get him ready for it. Only in England.
7) The Town of Gates is finally getting a new library. Sue Swanton, a democrat whose main platform while trying to unseat Ralph Esposito as supervisor was to get a new library must be happy. The town board voted 4-1 for it. What is funny is that the lone vote against the new library was cast by the lone democrat. Go figure.
Sue Swanton does have a good point about the building plans for the new Library. They are planning to build a two story facility for it. She says a good library should only be one story and I side with her on this one. They should rethink it and build a proper library. Do it right the first time.
Well, That is it from Moronica tonight. Stay thirsty my friends.
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