Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Buffalo Gun Nut has Lost his Mind

I had the opportunity this past Sunday, 1/19/14, to read a letter to the editor of the Buffalo News that had me shaking my head in disbelief. The title of this letter is "Arming more citizens will make society safer" by a Chris W. from Buffalo. How I wish I knew how to link things because this letter is a must read and I wish I had the time to type it in completely but I will try to paraphrase. This guy desires the return to the 1800's old west mentality. He bemoans the liberals ideas about reducing guns and says 'reducing access to firearms simply don't work'. The thing is, in my opinion, that there are very few laws that restrict guns at this time. New York's law isn't much of a big deal and it needs a lot of work done on it to make it so it would be more attacking of the criminal element instead of harassing the law abiding gun owners. Criminals, even with an amended SAFE act, will still get their guns. Take the nut who shot the West Webster firemen that were responding to a call two Christmas Eves ago. He got his guns through some dumbass college girl who bought them for him. She ignored the law that you cannot buy guns for a felon and people died because she ignored the law.
Mr. Willett also states "Arming more Americans deters would-be shooters from firing". This is a load of horse crap as the usual nut case that goes on a rampage usually ends up with his getting shot or his taking his own life. They plan for that ending and strive to do as much damage until their demise. Having more armed people will only make the nut plan to try to take them out first and then go for the rest. These people are not stupid, just deranged. There is a difference.
This next bit of wit from Mr. Willett is the about guns in schools and just made my jaw drop. He states "Not only should we guarantee that each school has multiple armed guards and metal detectors", which is all well and good but who is going to pay for them? And here is the good part 'but we should permit concealed carry for the children of responsible gun owners to protect their classmates'. Do we really need our kids packing? Are kids mature enough to accept such a responsibility? I have serious doubts. I can just see it now with the school bully..'I will meet you at noon, behind the gym, and bring your six shooter.' Guns. guns and more guns and now he wants school kids armed. Where will it end?? Not anytime soon as he advocates armed guards and concealed carry in every mall, office, theater, sports arena, public bus and government building in America. Do we need 19,000 armed people at a Sabre's game? What if the ref makes a bad call and really pisses off someone who is packing? Bang, and then the fun begins as everyone starts shooting because of the panic it would generate. All it would take is one nut with a permit and a concealed weapon. AND do I want people in the office where I work packing. NO! I irk enough people, I don't need to fear irking the wrong person.
Chris W. ends up by saying that he wants big government out of our lives. Hew wants the "Tyrannical" SAFE act repealed feeling that would be a great start. The SAFE act may be badly flawed but it is not tyrannical. He then states, and I quote "From there, we should do away with gun registries and background checks which are not only unconstitutional infringements of our rights, but discourage responsible citizens from owning and using firearms". Gun registries and background checks do NOT prevent responsible law abiding people from obtaining firearms. They are necessary. You buy a gun and register big deal. A responsible gun owner should have a registry of what he owns and if the state has them registered and your gun is lost or stolen and is recovered you might get it back I would think. But this idiot wants no background checks??? What is this guy, insane??? Without background checks Arizona psycho Jarrod Loughner, if he were free, could come up here and buy a gun or many guns for his next killing spree and none would be the wiser. Any ex-convict could get a gun. You lead a clean life a background check is not a big deal. You should feel a bit safer that someone has to check people out so a certified nut does not get a weapon. Criminals will still get there guns but why should it be made easy for them to obtain them? A gun is a lethal instrument, it should not be as simple as a trip down to Apu's Quickie Mart to get one.
Our laws should not discourage a responsible gun buyer from getting a firearm for his recreational use or protection if his job demands it. The laws are there for his and our protection. Joe Blow wants to hunt deer, let him get his rifle but there are limits as to the types of weapons.that can be owned. You do not need an UZI to hunt deer.
This isn't the old west. This is twenty first century America. I really don't want to walk into a bar, diner or First Niagara Center and see everyone wearing gun belts. The thing is you can draw up a zillion laws but they won't stop the nut. Take Norway for example. They have strict gun laws and a very low murder by gun rate but all it took was one nut to arm himself and kill 80+ people. The problem is you can't make a law against insanity, plain and simple. The equation of NUT + GUN = MAYHEM is an absolute no matter what law is in place. The person who figures out how to change this equation for the better should win a Nobel Prize. And it certainly isn't that prize winner, Chris W., from Buffalo.
Boy, have I been serious upon my return. I promise to lighten things up.

Paranoia Thy Name is Hannity

This is part two of the blog about Sean Hannity that I wrote a few days ago that now focuses on today's rantings. You may find it hard to believe but today Sean finally went over the deep end and right into the Mariana Trench. I may not be a psychologist but I swear he is in the grasp of paranoid delusions. Today he claimed that, a la his 'favorite' 'Bridge' player Chris Christie, New York City's new mayor, Bill De Blasio, purposely ordered, during today's big coastal snowstorm, that snow plows avoid certain roads where people lived who did not vote for him. Sean is definitely suffering from paranoia in his thinking that any liberal, in Mayor De Blasio's case Sean thinks he is a communist, is out to screw conservatives. We know he considers Christie a liberal from his incessant babbling about New Jersey politics. Even one of my co-workers thought Sean had finally lost his mind in his accusations today. No politician in his right mind would endanger citizens by not having the roads taken care of because of political reasons.
Our hero Sean is also making tons of noise about moving to Texas or Florida because they do not have state income taxes. They get your money in other, more innovative ways. Now, while I do not agree with what Andrew Cuomo said about our right wing friends, that is all he is talking about. He was even lining up political figures from Texas to talk to about his impending, in 2017, move out of New York State. Texas would be a great place for him to move to as the state is big enough to handle his massive oral diarrhea and overly large ego.
He pisses and moans about NY State's taxes but don't we all? I loved his slurping up interview with the Lieutenant Governor of Texas today. He probably should have worn a condom as he was speaking with him as Sean was just gushing about Texas. The Lt. Governor slurped right back saying Sean would be oh so welcome there. God, I thought I was going to get diabetes from listening to all of this sweet slurping. I am sure he had to change his shorts after that interview was over. Ugh!
Okay, that is enough about our favorite conservative wing nut Sean as I have another goof I have to write about that makes Sean look like a normal moderate.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Sean Hannity is a Dope

I am back. I find it hard to believe that I went the entire year of 2013 without a post. What sucks is that many interesting things happened that I should have written about but never did. Maybe later I will give a 2013 year in review blog. It is time to get down and get serious, well sort of.
For the past six months or so I have forced myself at work to listen to talk radio as listening to music makes the day just drag. Well actually it is just diversion noise while I concentrate on my job but To maintain my reputation as a moderate I listen to both sides of the aisle. Lefties in the morning and righties in the afternoon. With apologies to my friends on the right I can tolerate Rush, even though he is a pompous buffoon, and I actually sort of like listening to him but Hannity?? Oh boy does this guy get my blood boiling. He rants and raves about the same stuff every day. He has the same guests on over and over, usually Ted Cruz and Kim Coulter, as no one else will talk to him. Heaven forbid he actually has both a righty and a lefty guest on at the same time as he will let the righty speak his mind without interruption but will talk over the lefty all of the time. Just drives me nuts.
Sean pisses and moans about NY State not fracking for gas and oil. If it were up to him this country would be a pin cushion. Holy Oil Wells Batman!! Why do we have to drill out NY's gas now? I would like to believe that we are smart we New Yorkers are waiting for the technology to get a bit better and when everyone else's gas runs out we will be there to save the day. At least that is how I look at it. If we can frack cleanly I will be for it but right now there are too many issues involved with it. There will be a time when it can be done cleanly and that will be the time to drill. The resource isn't going anywhere Sean. And stop calling us stupid for not turning our state into the Holey Land.
Our friend Sean is an adamant anti Global Warming advocate. If he is wrong and we do nothing we are screwed. What is wrong or stupid with wanting clean air? If we take steps to clean our air and he is right? So what as we are better off with a cleaner atmosphere. You have to realize that the gases we are pumping into our air, especially Carbon Dioxide and Methane, specialize in keeping heat in the air. The warmer the air the more water vapor it can hold and that is an even stronger greenhouse gas. The biggest issue that can affect us in the near future is if the Greenland Ice Sheet melts even faster it will make the cold Labrador Current's water fresher, and less dense, than the rest of the ocean. Thus could lead to it cutting off the denser and warm Gulf Stream, which keeps Europe relatively mild, and leading us into a man made little ice age. Who would have thought that warming the earth could cool it off? This year we are having one of our colder winters. We were due for this, warming or no warming, but Sean is using this as proof that global warming is a bunch of shazit. During the last few winters I was golfing into December and January but those winters do not exist in his narrow mind, just this winter. It is really cold out so Global Warming is crap..what he hasn't mentioned once is that the Southern Hemisphere is going through one of its hottest summers ever. Australia is frying and South America is boiling. Oh, that is right. In Sean's little mind the Southern Hemisphere does not exist, only the USA and its closest allies. If we are cold right now then Global warming is crap. While your King leans toward the theory of Global Warming, though I am freezing my arse off, we should take steps to clean our air even if the Warmers are wrong.
Now Sean's favorite target of his venom is Chris Christie. I happen to like Chris and I don't believe, at least I would like to believe, that he knew what his underlings were doing in regards to the traffic tie ups on the bridge leading into Fort Lee. But, as he is the governor, I still have to hold him a tad accountable as they were his hires. He came right on after the issue came to light and apologized for his underlings stupidity and fired them. Obama should take a cue from that and fire whatever her name is(Nancy Sebilious?) who was in charge of getting the Obamacare Website operational as the billion dollars she gave to that Canadian company that was enlisted to create it was wasted but I digress. I want to believe that Chris would not be dumb enough to do something like that but if it does come to light that he did? Well he will be through as a politician.
I am tired of hearing Sean call people stupid if they don't agree with him. My boss is a staunch righty and we have had good conversations on various topics and even though we may not agree on some issues at least he doesn't call me an idiot..though he may think it. Now you may be thinking why don't I just turn the station? I really can't as my choices are limited. I am located in the center of a building and my little piece of shazit radio can only bring in so many stations and the station of talk is the only station that comes in clearly. Talk radio does not bug my co-workers as much as music would and as I have said before, listening to music breaks the day into three minute segments and that makes the day..just...drag. Besides they have their little ipods plugged into their ears so they do not care. Your King, however, is still technologically behind the times and desires to remain so.
I do have to give Sean credit though as when he gets my blood boiling it revs me up to finish off the afternoon strongly. Even when I do agree with him on a point, about once a month or so, I feel soiled as I cannot stand the way he presents his ideas. He is an equal opportunity hater as he hates both Democrats and Republicans. I actually think he would like to hang John Boehner and what he says about Obama? Whoa boy. I wonder what he says about him when he is off the air. We hear about Benghazi daily and his disgust for the Bill and Hillary Clinton is mind blowing.
I could go on an on but then I would be like Sean and I don't want to be. But then again I called Hannity a dope in the title. I guess I have been listening to him too much.
This is enough for my return though I may have a part two for Sean later on if my nausea for him reaches another high. Have a nice evening.