It has been a while since I posted anything. But I had a fan today tell me that she missed my writings. Well, in the time that I have been away I decided to spend my time writing novels. I have two completed right now. Their titles are My Visitor and its sequel Objective: Kellarnin. I am working on the third, and probably the final, sequel right now for the first novel. I do not have a title for it yet but it should be interesting. I hope. I have also completed a short story that was a guilty pleasure of mine to write. It is based on the TV 1960's show Lost in Space. They get back home. Find Trump in power, and leave. Well, not really as there is much more than that to the story though that probably would have been more fun to pen.
The books have quite a bit of the humor that your King is known for though the second book is a bit more serious. Someday I would like to publish them but they need plenty of cleanup. Ernest Hemingway I am not. I will say that writing is a nice hobby. It takes me out of the mundane real world into a world that I create. It real does help the mind cope.
Hopefully I can return to this blog more often and do some postings in the future. Maybe I can rile up Pacifica again. Who, it turned out, happened to be my brother having a good time at my expense. Maybe I'll give Chief Raininthepuss a call again to see how he is doing. Who knows but we'll see what is left in my mind after I spend time with my newest novel. Who knows?? Maybe I can get a movie deal for them, but then again, probably not.
Have a great evening!!
Your King,
Dinglefritz I