Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Your King Makes a Huge Decision

Faced with a better than expected windfall into the Moronican Treasury, thanks to my tax returns, I had a big decision to make. A lot of time and thought went into this decision and I did not want to look wishy washy, like someone in Washington D.C., when it came time to announce it. It came down to either taking a hell of a nice vacation or investing the money into the infrastructure of the monarchy. Great pains went into this decision. The pros and cons were tallied and compared to each other to help decide what would be the best use of these funds for the good of Moronica. After great thought I decided to use the funds for the betterment of Moronica. Infrastructure is a key component for a great society in this day and age and Moronica wants to be on the forefront of this. So your King went to Best Buy and bought a nice 46" LED Samsung flatscreen TV. This decision will put Moronica on the top of the map when it comes to the latest TV technology. While Hawaii sounded nice it would have come and gone after a week. Hopefully this TV will last a bit longer than that and provide your King with years of high quality HD TV entertainment that I most certainly deserve. Watching the Sabres and Bills screw up will be even more fun on the big screen and when it gets hooked up to my el cheapo surround sound system it should really be enjoyable. I am looking forward to it. Hawaii??? Maybe next year. This is your King saying I may not always watch TV but when I do I watch Dos Equis commercials. Stay thirsty my friends!!

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