Well the elections are rapidly approaching and not fast enough for your King's taste. The ads being run this year have sunk to new lows. Lows that I never thought could be reached. The worst ads are the attack ads by special interest groups that are 'not' affiliated with any political party. These attack ads pretty much rape the candidate they are targeting and are so full of lies it makes you sick. The only ads that should be allowed are ads that are put up by the candidates or the candidates parties. These special interest group rape ads need to be banned and I do not care about "freedom of speech'. They leave a bad taste in my mouth no amount of Listerine can get rid of.
I have been in contact with some of my friends down in the DELMARVA area where Virginia is listed as a toss up state. Boy are they lamenting about the number of ads they are being subjected to. I really do feel for them as they cannot get a break.
The election seems to be a toss up at this time. Obama had a lead and then blew it when he stunk out the joint during that first debate. I have to admit ol' Mitt looked good as he left Obama in his rear view mirror. I would love to vote for Mitt but Ryan scares me. I am not a fan of his as he is to far right for me. Still I will probably wait until I finally get my ballot before deciding on who will get my vote. That is if I decide to vote. I am getting more and more disheartened every year by the tone of the campaigning. I mean we all know, from the ads, that Mitt sucks donkeys and Obama is a Muslim terrorist who was born in Kenya. Well, not really but that is what you get from the ads. Hey, how about something refreshing for a change..Please tell us what you really want to do, if elected, without lying. YEAH, as if that will ever happen.
It will be interesting to see which direction the country will go after election Tuesday. The seniors had better start saving their money for their meds if the GOP gains full control as the donut hole coverage will be repealed along with Obamacare. And heaven forbid if you have a pre-existing condition or turn eighteen as your coverage will disappear. All I have to say is that if they do repeal it they had better have something ready to replace it immediately as there are a lot of good things with this law that need to be continued.
The biggest issue nowadays is that you have to many members of Congress that flat out refuse to work with the other party as if they had Leprosy. That is reason #1 as to why our economy is still dragging as nothing is getting done. No compromise is the mantra these days. Maybe some day they will learn to play together but it probably will not be in my lifetime.
Well I have said my piece for tonight and I need to stop because the topic is making my stomach roll. Maybe I will spout off some more in the near future. This is your King wishing you a pleasant evening
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