Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Seventh Inductee into the Moronica Hall of Fame

Usually it takes a few memorable pieces of moronica over a period of time to be inducted into my Hall of Fame but this gentleman takes the cake with probably the biggest piece of moronica in the history of United States economics. This gentleman has just admitted to CNN that he placed a loophole in the stimulus package that allowed the economy's biggest villain of all, AIG, to pay millions upon millions of dollars in bonuses to some of the most worthless executives in the history of the free market. This admission leaves me speechless so thank goodness I am writing this and not talking. What makes this gentleman so extra special is that he is the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee. This man is Senator Chris Dodd, D-Conn.
This man blatantly lied when questioned previously about the loophole claiming he was not involved at all in its insertion. I'll bet you since he is a democrat he probably has not even paid his taxes. AIG is probably the biggest villain there is in this current economic meltdown and to have a loophole to allow them to pay bonuses with OUR money is sheer and total moronica. To be the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and do something as totally stupid and moronic as this means instant induction into the MHOF. It is very hard to believe that Chris Dodd is actually working for the people who elected him instead of being a tool for the big corporations as it now appears he is. If he has any sense of honor he should resign his seat as chairman immediately and possibly even resign his seat in the senate. It is displayed ignorance like this that makes Congress look like a bunch of buffoons that cannot do anything right. Can the American people trust this man to do the right thing anymore, especially in this rotten economic climate???? Definitely NOT!!! We badly need, at this time, elected officials we can trust to do what is right for us and not be a corporate stooge.
GOP ex-congressman Rob Simmons plans to challenge Chris Dodd in the coming election and he will have a field day with this political football that has just been kicked to him. If does not score a touchdown with it then shame on him. If Chris Dodd gets re-elected to another term in the senate then the people of Connecticut deserve him and they may be inducted into the MHOF.
If you see Senator Chris Dodd please let him know of his induction and the honor of which that has been bestowed upon him.

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