Sunday, October 2, 2011

Your King on Evolution

I read a letter to the editor in Saturday's, 10-1-11, Democrat and Chronicle that I just have to comment on. It is titled "Evolution theory is just a fairy tale". For your edification I will quote it and then comment:

"In the beginning was the "Big Bang". No one knows why it blew up. Life, in all its glory, developed here and no one knows how. Now, these brilliant men of science want me to believe we are nothing more than intelligent animals, and if I don't agree, I'm an idiot! I thumb my nose at those self-appointed keepers of the truth.  Due to a lack of transitional fossils, there are quite a few people who think the evolution theory is nothing more than a fairy tale for adults. If you repeat a lie long enough it becomes the truth."

In the first few sentences he is right, no one really knows why the Big Bang occurred. There are plenty of theories but we may never ascertain the answer. In regards to life the scientists pretty much have a handle on how life developed here and have recreated the conditions of the primordial Earth in their labs and have created amino acids, the building blocks of life, from their experiments. The thing is we are animals, intelligent animals, but animals none the less. You cannot change that fact no matter how much you do not want to believe that fact. In that case the writer is not an idiot, just ignorant. Obviously he keeps a blind eye to the news as more transitional fossils have been found very recently in Africa. Now there may be three reasons why we do not have more transitional fossils and they are:
1) The rock layers they are embedded in have not yet been exposed.
2) The rock layers that they were in have been eroded away and destroyed. or
3) The transitional species may have inhabited an area which was not conducive to fossil formation.
Any one of these three reasons are enough to hinder research into the evolution of our species.
Now what fairy tale does the writer believe in?? Does he believe in the "Poof" theory? That chain of thought, as I cannot bring myself to call this a theory, starts with some all powerful being, POOF, creating the Earth in seven days. Then, POOF, the garden of Eden is created. Then, POOF, this all powerful being created man. Then, POOF, this all powerful being took a rib from man and created woman. Then, POOF, there was this talking snake that peddled apples to the them. Then, POOF, they were expelled from this garden of Eden for partaking the apple and the story continues. And yes, your King was taught this 'Poof" chain of thought when he was young so it is not like I do not have a background in this. In fact I believe that this gives me a special expertise to comment on it.
Now which story would you rather believe?? The miracle of the process of evolution, and I do not call it a theory as the facts are in the rocks, or do you wish to believe in the 'Poof' chain of thought? My friends, the choice is yours. The fact that we evolved to where we are today is the real miracle. Evolution is not a fairy tale nor is it a lie, it is science and, as proven by the writer of that letter, some choose to not believe in science. That is their prerogative and right as it is my right to comment on said letter the way I have. As the King of Moronica I found the letter to be moronic and I had to say my piece on what I believe in whether you agree with me or not that is your right.
Well the Bills game is about to kick off so I must end this for today. May you all have a great day, even though the weather outside is a total mess.

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