1) I had a hankering for chicken wings yesterday so while I was at Wegmans I decided to get some to fry up for dinner. I took a good look at the five pound bag and they looked big and meaty but then I saw the ten pound bag. Hmm, For only a few bucks more I could get double the wings so I just grabbed a ten pounder and stuffed it in my cart. I considered myself a smart shopper until I got home and checked them out. All I can say is that a lot of parakeets gave their lives so their wings could fill that bag. I was amazed at the size difference of the wings between the five pounder and the ten pounder I bought. Now I know why there was such a good deal on the ten pounders so if you like a real and meaty chicken wing get the five pounder but if you like parakeet wings get the ten pounder.
2) Another warning from your King: I decided to force myself to watch, after about ten minutes of the Patriots spanking of the Broncos, one of those dreaded SyFy original movies that they show on Saturday nights because I had a feeling it was going to be one worth writing about. It did not disappoint! It was called 'Collision Earth'(CE) and while it was not quite, relatively speaking, as rotten as the other movie I warned you about, 'Earth's Final Hours' (EFH), this movie still had every single one of those plot devices that make up a crappy science fiction movie. Again, during the movie, our heroes get saved by things related to the impending collision of the planet Mercury and Earth. The car plopping on top of the guy who was just about to put a few holes in our heroes with a rifle was a hoot. I just had to shake my head in disbelief as it was so reminiscent of EFH's bad moments. To keep this brief, Somehow planet Mercury gets blown off course, and becomes magnetized, by the sun when the sun has a serious fit. Second, we somehow had a manned spaceship around Mercury at the exact time of this fit. Third, somehow we had an asteroid, named Project Seven (PS), that we had orbiting the Earth fitted with a deflector system that could save the day. Fourth, again the head government moron did not want to use this device even though the scientist who created it said he had all of the bugs fixed and the moron would not allow the creator to uplink to PS to upload the fixes. The head moron wanted to deflect the over 3,000 mile wide Mercury with a few missiles(why is it always missiles??). Fifth, even though the spaceship around Mercury took a savage beating during the sun's fit, how it wasn't just plain vaporized is beyond me, the one remaining astronaut out of three, one got fried immediately and the other later died even though he looked just fine while he was still breathing AND who also just happens to be the creator of PS's wife, managed to fix the communications enough to be able to communicate with Earth only to a couple of kids with a portable radio. Sixth, This lone astronaut fixed up the ship enough to get it away from Mercury, but it turns out that the one bug that could not be fixed by the creator of 'PS' could be taken care of by this ship. So, the ship heads to the PS asteroid and hooks up with it just in the nick of time, starts PS's engines, and heads back to Mercury. With seconds to spare the creator manages to get to the backup government site, gets an uplink with PS and uploads the software fixes which engages the deflector screen thus saving the Earth. The ship manages to disengage itself from PS milliseconds before it collides with Mercury destroying it and creating a ring around Earth not unlike Saturn's.
Oy, I could waste more time writing about the crappy sci fi cliches in CE but, seeing is believing. This one won't rot your brain like EFH but it will put a serious dent in it. There is so much good science fiction out there but they keep coming out with this unbelievably mindless garbage. A good sci-fi movie uses science as its friend but not CE or EFH. I enjoy a good sci-fi movie but lately SyFy has not delivered. You have been warned!!!
3) It is now day 15 of the great MSG blackout. We were again spared from seeing another listless Sabre effort versus the NY Islanders. The blackout allowed me to watch that crappy sci-fi movie I have now warned you about. I really do not know which is worse as watching either seems to be a mind numbing experience lately. Dish Network subscribers haven't had MSG since 10/10. Hmm, maybe we can get that lucky.
4) Is there a country's government more deserving to be eliminated from the planet Earth than Iran's??? If there is ever a WW3 it will be there. The government of Iran is run by a bunch of loonies and it is only a matter of time before they cross the line. And we can only blame ourselves for what is ruling Iran now. We foisted the Shah on them, who ruled with an iron thumb which led to the revolt that put the Ayatollahs in charge, and we wonder why they hate us. I wonder how we would feel about the Germans if the came over in the Thirties and put Hitler in charge here after offing FDR?? We would probably feel the same way towards the Germans as the Iranians feel towards us today. We just plain meddle to much.
Well, my fingers are tired and my brain is still in recovery mode after 'Collision Earth' so I will end my nonsense for today. Have a happy!!
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