Monday, January 16, 2012

King Reports on a Visual Violation

This past weekend I received my quarterly Wegmans Menu magazine. I always check it out as it may have a recipe or two that I may want to try. As valued readers of my blog know I enjoy being in the kitchen and tonight was no exception as I whipped up some Kung Pao chicken. Yummy!!. On page 69 I found a nice recipe for Chicken Parmesan that I may have to give a try to. I Then continued looking through the magazine until I got to page 93 when my eyes were violated completely. There it was, Moby Dick mouth in all of her glory. UGH!!! I thought it was bad enough that I had to suffer seeing Moby Dick mouth on the expressway's billboard on my way to the golf course. I blame Moby Dick mouth for some of my bad golf as she has definitely affected my vision. It always takes me a few holes for my eyes to recover from seeing that monstrosity and play decently.
How can a human being have a mouth that is that big??? I would hate to be her husband and she would have one hell of an advantage in any argument. I would just say "you are right honey" before she had a chance to turn that mouth up to full blast. I love Wegmans but why do they have to subject us to Moby Dick mouth everywhere??? Will my eyes ever recover??

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