Saturday, April 10, 2010

War Declared upon Moronica by Bikini Bottom

It is a sad duty that I have to perform but I have to announce that on this day, a day that will live in infamy, war has been declared upon Moronica by the nation of Bikini Bottom, namely by its mayor Pacifica. A war between nations has always been dreaded. But, to the eternal credit of the peoples of Moronica history shall be able to proclaim loudly and justly that in this war between Bikini Bottom and Moronica, Bikini Bottom struck first. Bikini Bottom, its life form truly unknown and unimaginable; Its way of thinking unpredictable.
In a comment early last fall, that I had to delete because of its vulgarity, the Mayor of Bikini Bottom sent the first salvo into the Kingdom of Moronica. In that comment, which disgusted me thoroughly he insulted me and my Queen. Though I believe in freedom of speech I could not let this comment remain and disgust other people that may chance upon it and be burnt by its radiation.
What is really funny is that Pacifica has called me a hater of the Constitution, of which I am not. The main thing about the Constitution is that it protects the freedom of speech. It is something that our founding fathers thought was so important that they made it #1. It is something that the supposed Constitution lover, Mr. Pacifica, wants to deny me. He wants me to shut up and crawl into my pod and never be heard from again. Does that sound like someone who loves the Constitution and and would defend other peoples rights?? No. It is obvious to everyone that has read my writings and replies to this moron that I have actually defended, to my eternal credit, HIS right to free speech and have tried to encourage sensible dialogue between Bikini Bottom and Moronica. Unfortunately he continues to espouse hatred and stupidity. My efforts at maintaining peace between Moronica and Bikini Bottom have failed.
So, taking all that has been thrust upon your King, and in response to the anonymous commenter that encouraged me to admit Pacifica into the Moronica Hall of Fame, I do that right now. I find it quite easy to enshrine Pacifica, as the eleventh member of the MHOF, as he talks out of his butt instead of his mouth. To throw the constitution at someone and then try to deny that person its rights is truly a moronic quality. I wonder how many other blogs this guy has done his hit and run insults on. But, again, that is his right. I still back freedom of speech no matter how stupid and moronic it may make the person seem as long as it does not foment violence. Pacifica may have to check the dictionary to find out what 'foment' means, that is if he can read. So If you happen to see this Pacifica please let him know of his enshrinement and the 'honor' of which that I have bestowed upon him.
I look forward to battle with Bikini Bottom. I will defend Moronica to my last breath. Moronica will rule! Moronica will reign supreme! Your King is not a coward and I will not run and hide in my pod despite Pacifica's wishes. Your King is not fat, a tad overweight maybe and my picture does do me an injustice, but not fat. He calls me stupid but I have a degree from one of the finest colleges in the country. I am sure that the only degree that Pacifica has is one in Fahrenheit.
So, Mr. Pacifica you have thrown down the gauntlet and I have picked it up. The challenge is accepted. Are YOU up to it? I truly look forward to it as I have a lot of pent up tension and you are the perfect vent for it. It will be great therapy for me and I am actually feeling great as I write this. What is really, really funny is that I am defending Moronica from a moron. How ironic is that?
PS: To all of my faithful readers, it you wish to send this moron a message here is his site:
He hasn't said too much on it as it takes him a while to look up the words so that he can write them down with some semblance of coherence. That is if no one is around to help him. If you do comment it may be a while before he responds if there is no one around to read it and explain all of the big words to him.
I will write on the beaches, I will write in the trenches, I will write in the streets and I will never surrender to a picklepuss like Pacifica.
This is your King wishing you a good day and warning you to avoid the stray radiation that Pacifica is sure to use.


Anonymous said...

Just checked out his we sure he is not from the Jersey Shore!!! Someone should tell him steroid use is not good for the brain. It makes one stupid and ignorant. What a MOOK!
PS...Mr. P if you have located someone to read this to you..Mook is not in the dictionary. Didn't want to waste your time from the weights to look up a word that was made up!

Hail to King Moronica!!!

Pacifica said...

My last post was towards Anonymous not you, but if you want WAR than you shall have it.
This all started when you compared the Tea Party movement to the Nazi S.A. You my miss guided fool have no clue what the Tea Party movement is all about, we stand for controlled spending, balanced budget's, small Government, and just plain old fashion Conservationism. If that is what you call ultra right, I Thank You.
By insinuating that we are a very disruptive, and vicious people just still proves how little you know, bye the way you still have not explained who shot out Mr Cantor's office windows?
Yes we all have freedom of speech Thank God, and I will always defend us from people like you who lean more towards the Progressive side.

Mr. Bill said...

Mr Pacifica, I too think you can clean up just a little, and not be so sarcastic, and on the other hand, I think the King should also back off with the name calling also people with looks, like himself should not throw stones.
So keep up the good work on holding those Progressives accountable, and some day we might get back to where our Fore fathers intended us to be.
Your Friend
Mr Bill

King Dinglefritz said...

I am sorry but you made it seem that I put in the comment anonymously by the way you worded it. The way it read irked me. But do you not remember the very first comment that you left on my blog? It was very obscene and had to be deleted.
I have no problems with the Tea Party movement. As with all groups they have their share of extremists. It is the extremists that I compare to the Nazi S.A. People who use epithets and violence against other groups are detestable. I despise all people that flout violence and racism. What really upsets me, during TV coverage of a Tea Party event, I saw a senior age female holding up a sign, with a big smile on her face, that said "In the zoo we have african lions. In the White House we have a lyin' african." Doesn't something like this bother you? It bothers me and it gives me a bad taste in my mouth that a group would espouse racism like this and not discourage it. Now, while I am sure that this person does not represent the views of the Tea Party, as a whole, it is something that stands out in my mind when I think of them.
I finally read about Representative Mr. Cantor, after you mentioned him, and the violence perpetrated on his office. Unlike bricks thrown through windows this incident was even worse and the person responsible should be jailed for a long time. I am sure it was some left wing idiot with an agenda. Left wing extremists, I believe, can be even more violent than the right wing extremists and should be dealt with accordingly.
Now, I am a middle of the road voter. I will vote for the best person whether that person is a Democrat or Republican. In fact I voted straight GOP in the latest town elections. I am sure that has to surprise you. I do not care for the left wingnuts nor do I care for right wingnuts.
Mr. Pacifica, I will cease with the taunts if you will. I may not be Mr. America, as Mr. Bill says, but neither are you. Once again I encourage open debate and not insults. I now throw down the olive branch of peace to you, Mr. Pacifica. You cease your insults and I will cease mine and we shall have an open discussion when we disagree, agreed? I think that would be much better than you calling me fat and stupid and me calling you a moron. If you agree to this I will put in a new blog saying that the war is over and peace now exists between Bikini Bottom and Moronica. I encourage bipartisanship and cooperation and it can start with us. It is up to you, how about it? Take that big step!

Anonymous said...

Oh Noooooo...Mr. Bill.....Didn't Sluggo beat the crap out of you back on Saturday Nite Live??? Go to the Jersey Shore with Mr. Bottom and you both can cuddle together forever....

Pacifica said...

Anonymous, your a smuck, and that's in the dictionary.

Mr. Bill said...

To whoever you are ( Anonymous ), I really don't think your funny, but it does show me how juvenile you are, and maybe when you reach adulthood you will look back and see what I mean.

King Dinglefritz's Blog of Moronica said...

Anonymous, For once I happen to agree with Pacifica & Mr. Bill. While you seem to be trying to support your King you are not really helping matters and showing us that you really are a citizen of Moronica. I am trying to get an intelligent discussion going between two parties with differing opinions and all you are doing is making me look like a shmuck. Maybe if supply why you agree with me then that may help matters. There may still be peace in our time between Bikini Bottom and Moronica. Maybe Mr. Bill can be the Mediator. How about it Mr. Bill? Are you up to being Henry Kissinger??

King Dinglefritz's Blog of Moronica said...

Pacifica, I am a fiscal conservative. I too believe in controlled spending and balanced budgets(see we can agree on certain points) I believe that the money the government spends can be spent more wisely and still give us the services that we deserve. Any increases in spending in one area should be balanced by a reduction in spending in another area. Its only logical.
Back in the late 1990's we finally had a balanced budget but now there is no possible way they can ever balance the thing again. Government does not have to be reduced but it does have to get smarter. By getting smarter getting smaller would be a probable result of this. By trimming waste, consolidating agencies and spending our tax dollars with a clue the government would naturally get smaller. But can we elect politicans that can do this without falling prey to the evils of Washington? Can we elect politicans that both sides can be happy with? What do you think?

Mr. Bill said...

Mr. Moronica, and Mr Pacifica, this seems like the only avenue that I have in reaching you both. I am fairly new here on blogger when I stumble on your blog Sir (Mr. Moronica), and I would like to monitor both you, and Pacifica, but I am having a hard time finding Pacifica's blog. I have typed in under the http search method with Pacifica's name, but with no luck.
So would either of you please help me out on how to locate blogs.
Thank You
Mr Bill

King Dinglefritz's Blog of Moronica said...

Per your request here is his site Mr. Bill. Hopefully Mr. Pacifica and I are working towards a mutual understanding. I am honoring a ceasefire at this time in order to allow him read what I have written and respond. Check out the Olive Branch blog for this.
I try to vary my type of blogs quite a bit and I hope you enjoy some of moronic non-political writings as I do try to have a little fun. I try so stay away from poltical blogs but sometimes, well, who knows. Being here in NY our dysfunctional state government supplies me with lots of material. I just have to start exploiting it. Welcome to the world of blogs.

King Dinglefritz's Blog of Moronica said...

PS: Make sure you save the blogsites that you want to visit later to your favorites. That way you do not have to try to remember it later on. Another way to acess my blog is to type in King Dinglefritz's in the search engine and it should give you something to click onto OR you can click on the blue name of the commenter, as it is a link to their blog, and that will take you to his or her blogsite. If the name is in black it is not linked. If you have any other questions I will try to help or find someone who can help me help you. Just let me know.

repoman said...


You apparently have gotten quite a stir started here. Is the rest of the debate at the bikini bottom blog?

King Dinglefritz's Blog of Moronica said...

It is a long story Repoman, Someday, when I write my book it will all come out. LOL.