Sunday, August 9, 2009

King Dinglefritz Visits The Seneca Niagara Casino

This past Wednesday your King traveled to the Seneca Niagara Casino in Niagara Falls, NY. The company that I work for gave us a day off and hired a couple of buses to take us there. It was very nice of them to do this and it gave your King a badly needed break from the daily grind. We were given the ultimatum that we had to be on the bus by 8:30 or we were going to be left behind. Well, 8:30 came and went and it seemed like we were all left behind. The buses finally arrived about 10 minutes late and we all piled on. As we traveled down the Thruway I could see why the buses were late as the driver, who is now to be known as 'Captain Molasses' set new records in time taken to get to Niagara Falls. In fact I would not have been surprised if he had his 4-way flashers on the entire trip. I knew we were not traveling at warp speed when I saw an Amish wagon pass us on the right. He smiled, tugged his beard, doffed his hat and left us behind.
We finally arrived at the Casino and the company graciously gave us a nice fifty dollar stake to play with. Our bosses boss gave us an additional twenty dollars and we got another twenty from the casino. Now that was a nice start. I could have quit there and been a big winner but what fun is that. After walking around for a bit, I do like to watch other people play, I settled down at one of my favorite machines..the Wheel of Fortune dollar slots. I had my twenty sucked up quickly by the machine and I started to play. I was down to my last maximum bet when I finally got a chance to spin the wheel. I hit it for one hundred fifty dollars...I was quite pleased as now I could relax and play the rest of the day knowing I was bringing home a nice wad.
The company then treated us to a Buffet lunch there. I have always enjoyed grazing at the Seneca Niagara Buffet as I have found it to be quite good. I loaded my plate with shrimp and crab(my favorite fruit!) and started chowing. One of my friends, who knows my tendencies well and exactly what my targets would be, followed me as I stalked my prey. She also loaded her plate with plenty of shrimp and crab. We started chowing and before we finished our big boss from Chicago gave us a nice speech. Little did I know as I turned around to listen my plate would soon turn into a never ending plate of crab. My friend ran out of drawn butter and stuffed a thing of legs on my plate as she did want them without it. When I turned around to finish my carnage I noticed that something was different as I thought I was closer to the bottom of my plate than I actually was. I thought that I was losing what little mind I had left but I did not care as I had more crab. My sister then walked by and she had an extra batch of legs that she brought for me. So I ended up eating a lot of crab that day, so much so that they had to call Captain Phil Harris of the Cornelia Marie to go back out for more. I guess I may have eaten too much.
After the carnage I then returned to the casino floor to spend the second half of my stake for the day. I had a minor hit, again at the dollar Wheel of Fortune, and ended up bringing home a tidy sum of $191 from the casino. A few of my fellow employees did even better than that and it is always pleasant to beat the Indians for a few bucks. The more the merrier I always say.
We then piled out to meet the bus at 3:15 and, of course, Captain Molasses was running a little late. We headed home at impulse speed but all in all it was a great day thanks to the company that I work for.
PS: I golfed in the rain again today but, at least, it held off for most of my round. I have been contacted by the Governor of Texas to play a few rounds of golf down in San Antonio. Sounds like they have heard that I am a drought breaker. Oh well, til next time, have a happy!

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