Thursday, August 13, 2009

More Random Thoughts from the Mind of Dinglefritz

1) Michael Vick. Well the man has served his time for dogfighting but I certainly hope that no team signs this loser as he represents the worst in human kind. You have to be heartless to do what he has done and any team that signs him becomes hated team #1 and that includes Buffalo. I love my dog and if Vick comes anywhere near her I will brain him. If he wanted to kill dogs he should have moved to the far east and became a chef as they love stewed dog there. I do not care how much "remorse" this man shows as it is only to get back into the NFL to play. He has bills out the Wang and even his Bankruptcy Judge laughed at his proposal to pay his debts. Good luck Vick you loser, you are going to need it.
2) The Stock Market is starting to put a smile on my royal puss. Now lets hope the economy takes a hint and turns around faster. Whether its Obama's stimulus bill or just the natural flow of the economy I don't care but lets hope that we are on the upswing!
3) Rochester, once again, is a laughing stock. First it was the Fast Ferry and the one thing about it that was fast was how quickly it flopped. It was a good idea that fell flat because the stupid boat was too big. It should have been half the size and maybe it may have worked out. Then there is Ren Square...twenty plus million dollars in planning and design went down the drain when that died. MCC is left holding the bag looking for a new spot to put their downtown campus thanks to this mess.
4) The Tennessee Titans trick play that they ran in their first series on offense against the Buffalo Bills was a sight to behold. Who would have EVER expected them to run a play like that in pre-season? The punter, who will probably play three more games and then get cut, will have a memory of a lifetime. That behind the back move even fooled me as I was watching the play. I just sat there with my jaw on the floor. They could only run that play against Buffalo.
5) Government Health care. While I do not want to have Pelosi brand health care the system does need an overhaul. The eventual bill that comes to the president to sign must be bipartisan for it to work but there is no chance in hell that that will happen. Too many people on the other side want to hang a failed health care policy around the neck of Obama like an albatross and that is a shame. Our elected officials should be working for us, not against us. I have to agree with Congressman Eric Massa that the bill before the House at this time will NOT work. It needs major tweaking or else it will be a clunker. I think a good start would be to pass a law limiting judgments against doctors that are excessively obnoxious. While Doctors need to be held responsible for their errors there needs to be a limit. If they did not have to pay such high premiums to cover their arses then fees for visits would probably come down. But there are too many greedy attorneys who have their hands in the pot to grab as much money as possible in malpractice lawsuits. And I am sure that since Obama is a lawyer we will not see any legislation of this type passed during his term. Too bad.
I also find it quite humorous hearing the old people saying that they do not want the any government sponsored health care and to have their Medicaid left alone. I laugh at these morons as Medicaid IS government sponsored health care. I also laugh at the rumor that there will be health care death squads formed that will determine who will live and who will die under the new system. It is hard to believe that people could believe such crap nowadays but some people just lap up what that King of morons Rush Limbaugh says.
6) Speaking of Rush Limbaugh is there a more hateful divisive jerk polluting the airwaves today? If this man truly speaks for the Republican Party then shame on the Republicans.
7) Word association time:
Limbaugh = Gasbag
Pelosi = Idiot
Palin = Quitter
Ren Square = Joke
Biden = Foot in mouth diseased
Cheney = Shoot, I just...WAIT..never say the word shoot around Dick. Whew! That was close!!!
Jauron = emptiness
Manny Ramirez = dope (who likes female hormones)
Tiger = Amazing
A-Rod = A-Roid
Dinglefritz = Moron, King of

Thats enough bulloney for today. Your King wishes you a pleasant evening.

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