Saturday, January 10, 2009

Near death experience

The world nearly lost Dinglefritz a couple of weeks ago. It would have been a tragedy of epic proportions. Let me recount what happened....It all began a few years ago when my wife and I were at a restaurant and I ordered a ham and cheese omelet to eat. I asked my wife if she knew how to make one and she said yes. I then asked her if she could make me a ham and cheese omelet at home for me sometime and she said she would be more than happy to make me one. I was a happy man.
Whenever I go to Denny's I always order their Ham and Cheese Omelets as they are light, fluffy and very tasty. I saw the opportunity to captilize on my wife's "knowledge" about omelets after we had a delicious ham for Christmas dinner. I did not want any crappola ham in my omelet and since we had tasty leftovers my wife volunteered to make me an omelet using them. At the time I believed I was going to be in seventh heaven after breakfast, not being sent to heaven but let us continue.
I had just finished watching one of the Travel Channels food shows 'Best places to pig out' which featured a twelve egg omlete from a Seattle restaurant called Beth's Cafe and seeing the light, pure yellow, delicious looking but absolutely gigantic omelet it got my taste bud juices flowing for the coming treat. I should have gotten my first warning when I heard my wife comment while she was making it that she botched the flip. It'll be ok I thought, just a minor error, a quick fix and no problem to derail my taste train to heaven, little did I know that the tressel had collapsed.
Soon, my wife said she was done but the result was not quite what she had expected...that should have been warning number two. I stepped into the kitchen and prepared myself to eat the expected taste treat. "How can an omelet be destroyed" I thought to myself, It would be impossible. Then I saw it.....Instead of being yellow, light and fluffy it was ugly, ornery and looked like a pancake that had been left on the griddle way too long and folded in half. Unfortunately I had to do my duty, I sucked up every ounce of pride and guts I could muster and I ate it to please my wife. I tried to keep the derisive comments about it to a minimum to make my wife happy but even she could see the terror in my eyes. I spent the rest of the day on the couch battling my rolling stomach. How I made it through the day I will never know. Today, while lying in bed I heard my son say that she should make me an omelet for breakfast and as soon as I heard that I screamed NOOOOOOOOOOO from my bedroom and hid under the blanket. Lesson learned.... be careful in what you ask may get it.


repoman said...

Does Holly read this blog?

King Dinglefritz's Blog of Moronica said...

I warned her as I was eating it that this was a bloggable offense and she took it in stride. I did show her the blog and she found it "interesting". If you had seen the thing you would understand. It was Sci-Fi channel material.