I am sick and tired of the bitter divisiveness between the two political parties that we now have. They act like children and are an embarrassment to us all. First of all South Carolina Representative Wilson was probably right, but definitely very rude and immature, when he yelled out "You lie" to the president during his speech. The fact is that most all state and national politicians lie. It is a prerequisite for their job as no one in hell would vote for any politician if they told us the actual truth. As King of as nonpolitical entity I never have to lie as I have no one to answer to, well except maybe the Queen. I do not have to run for election. I do not have to tell people everything will be rosy if they vote for me. Politicians do. They will say or do anything they have to to get elected. In political advertisments they will take a snippet of a statement taken out of context from their competitor and twist it around to make them sound like they are completely against something that they are actually for. It is a joke when October comes around and we all have to listen to the bull crap they spew on the radio and the telly. They think we are dummies and, from some of the reactions that are being seen on television, they are probably right. Sarah Palin says the death panels are coming and, like a flock of sheep, all of the Palinites go crazy. Does anyone in their right mind actually believe that there will be death panels?? I am sorry but Sarah Palin is a goofball quitter who should stay at home in Alaska looking at Russia across the Bering Sea. There is a better chance of the Spanish Inquisition making a return than the 'so called' death panels becoming a reality. If she believes that she has a chance in hell of ever getting elected to a high national office then she is a bigger goof than I thought. She got a little grief as governor and quit on Alaska, and she would quit on us if the going got tough. And that is my opinion, take it or leave it. (PS: I really got a big hoot out of the Palinite who wrote, in a letter to the editor in the Sunday Buffalo News a couple of months ago, that Sarah was responsible for the construction of the Alaskan pipeline. Boy does she have his number)
We also deserve better behaved politicians. A quickie list of some of the politicians who have set good behavior back 100 years would include the following: Senator Clark from Idaho with his happy feet, Governor Spitzer from New York with his happy hooker, Former Representative David Duke from Louisiana and his white bed sheet, Representative Foley from Florida with his disgustingly perverted emails, Governor Sanford of South Carolina with his hotty in Argentina and, of course, Bill Clinton and the famous 'Lewinsky' he received. There are plenty more but these are the best ones. I find it quite humorous that Representative Wilson from South Carolina was the one who yelled out 'you lie' when, in fact, the governor of his state is a bigger liar than President Obama will ever be. Sanford's wife did not move out of the Governor's mansion with the kids for nothing, now did she. His wife was thinking he was out for a hike in the Appalachians when he was in reality having a good time doing the Cucaracha in Buenos Aires. For the sake of his state he should resign. Eliot Spitzer did the right thing in resigning and so should Governor Sanford, but in Elliot's favor at least he used his own cash to pay for his good time.
They say that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Look at all of the politicians that have been caught when it comes to corruption. Need I say more than the Abramhov (I am sure I botched this guy's name but you know who I mean and I am too lazy to look it up) scandal. And how about the Louisiana democrat who had over $90,000 in illicit funds in his freezer at home. Now that is really cold hard cash!!
I was thinking that after Obama was rudely interrupted during his speech maybe he should have sung that line from a song that went "clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right here I am stuck in the middle with you". How true that would have been. It seems that respect for the office of the president has gone down the drain. The Democrats booed "W" when he spoke of Social Security reform. The idiots should let the president speak and then make their comments afterwords when they have their rebuttal time. It seems like most Congressman behave like children and act liked spoiled righteous brats and maybe we should start treating them like it. We Americans should send Congress into the corner in the next election never to be heard from again, but alas, that won't happen. Most representatives stay, some come and go but acutally nothing ever changes. It doesn't matter which party is in the majority, Democrats or Republicans, its just the same old crap wrapped in different paper. Is there someone out there that could unite this country if elected president? Probably not at this time and that is a shame as we could sure use this person. Unity would make us a stronger nation. It has been said that a nation divided must surely fall and that is where we are at right now.... divided and headed for oblivion.
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