1) While reading today's paper I found an article where New York's favorite girlfriend abuser, who was booted out of the NY State senate and rightfully so, is now running again to regain his seat. Hiram Monserrat, who with is senate buddy Espada from the Bronx put the New York state government in turmoil last summer, is running for his old seat on the 'Yes We Can' party line. Yes we can what?? Yes we can make our state government a bigger joke than it already is? This guy should just fade off into the sunset and be thanking his lucky stars that he is not in jail.
2) I am very upset with President Obama. I am a huge space exploration fanatic, and I am not talking about the space between my ears, and I am disgusted that he cancelled the latest effort to return to the moon. One thing I did like about George Bush was that he seemed to be a big space exploration fan too. The technological spin offs that have resulted from man's effort to explore space far outweigh the money that has been spent on it. Too much of our hard earned money is going towards crap. Space exploration is not crap.
3) Your King is a student of World War II and I just have to do this. I am making former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain an honorary member of the Moronica Hall of Fame. Adolph Hitler made a complete fool of him at Munich when he signed that worthless piece of paper that Mr. Chamberlain came off the plane waving when he returned home. Hitler said to Goering, after fat old Herman remarked to him about the signing, that he had no intention of honoring that agreement period. Hitler played Chamberlain like a bass fiddle so I give Neville the honor of enshrinement into the MHOF. If the allies showed some resolve while the German Army was still relatively weak who knows what might have happened. Maybe a lot more people would have survived the decade of the forties.
4) I am also honorarily enshrining Jar Jar Binks of Naboo into my MHOF. Speaking of bass fiddles Chancellor Palpatine sure played Jar Jar for one when he planted the idea of proposing to the Galactic Senate that they should give the Chancellor supreme emergency powers during the rebellion. That led to the formation of the empire and a lot of people getting offed. Thanks Jar Jar for that mighty bit of Moronica.
5) Your King has a weakness this time of year for those Cadbury Creme Easter Eggs that they put out for us to enjoy. Now last year at Wegmans they cost $1.79 for a package of four. This year they cost $2.19 for the same package. Is this some kind of joke? Has inflation only hit Cadbury Eggs? The cost of living has remained relatively flat during the duration of this recession but not when it comes to these Cadbury Eggs. Shame on Wegmans for this huge price increase that they have foisted upon us during this period of hard times. Tasty Cadbury Eggs usually put a smile on your King's puss but not this year. I have not bought one yet from Wegmans and will not until they bring the price back down. Your King could sure use a smile maker during this period of my reign but I guess it will not be coming from Cadbury.
Well, that is enough Moronica for today. This is your King wishing you a pleasant day.
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