Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving From Moronica!!!

Happy Thanksgiving from Moronica!!!
1) Your King has been enjoying bonus golf this season and is taking full advantage of it. Just today I shot an 84 that could have easily been a 77 with a bit of luck or talent. I had a 38 on the front nine and except for three totally atrocious holes, 10,12 & 13, I would have easily broken 80. And this is all with a 20 mph wind blowing during the round. The past three weeks I have shot 84, 86, 87, 90 & three 89s. The difference has been that my putter and I have become fast friends for the most part. Even my wedge has had more occasional moments of brilliance lately. Why can't I do this during the summer when it would really count for something. Also today we only had a fivesome and I, needing to reach a score of 21 points, ended up with 28, a plus seven, winning 40 clams. My score now that I have to reach is 24 points...I don't think I will be winning again in the near future...hopefully near future if we can keep winter at bay for a few more weeks so we can get more bonus golf in.
2) Here I sit broken hearted, as I am typing my next door neighbor, Ringo Starr, has decided to start banging away on his drums again. At least the idiot is starting his practice session now instead of at 10:15 p.m. like he did a few nights ago. Your King went next door and put a kibosh on that nonsense. More moronica, plain and simple. What I would give for Ringo to get some terminal wrist tendinitis.
3) Mr. Moron, coach of the Buffalo Bills, continues to amaze me. He continually takes out his best player, C.J. Spiller, in the middle of good drives, to 'rest', only to see those drives come to a screeching halt after he does this. One drive had Spiller get two consecutive great runs only to be pulled and then three plays later the drive ended. Does this guy really get that tired after two plays? I have seen some workhorse running backs stay in play after play and remain effective but Spiller?? He gets 'pooped' after two plays. I put this on the coaches for not conditioning the player properly. I get a kick out of some of the drills that they show them running during the sports segment of the local news. There is one drill where they pretty much dance around some cones with some coach giving them love taps with a Styrofoam stick as they go by. Now that may come in handy if the Colts defense decides to sign some Styrofoam players for this Sunday's game but really...What does that drill do?? At least we get Freddy back for this game so when Spiller gets tired after a play or two we have a more than competent player to take his place.
4) It is so hard to believe that the next holiday to come is Christmas. Where has this year gone??? I haven't even had a chance to call my good friend Santa this year to see how he is doing. I certainly can't call him now with him being so busy. At least he was smart enough to get out of that deal with Pepsi that I reported about in August 2011. I may have to check on that though as he may have been dumped by Pepsi after being caught swizzling a coke when he vacationed that year with some cuties.
5) Is there anyone homelier than Vicky Guerrero of the WWE?
6) Isn't watching TV a pleasure again with no silly political ads to ruin it?
7) How many people wish that the Geico gecko would get eaten by some predator?
8) How many people out there wish I would right about something interesting for a change?
Oh well, maybe my next post, we can only hope, will be more entertaining so I will quit for tonight and give my next post some serious thought. Good night.

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