1) Well, the Bills lost again. Every week it is looking like a bigger and bigger mistake for the Bills in giving Quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick that contract extension. He just plain sucks right now. The Bill's defense is holier than a catholic mass. Spiller is starting to get yards but Coach Gailey does not want to give him the ball much. He had twelve carries for ninety one yards but I guess seven and a half yards per carry was not good enough. Gailey must think it is more fun watching Fitzpatrick throw interceptions. Now, in the middle of the season I thought one good draft might just put them on the road to the playoffs but that thought has long since been deleted from my mind. It is too bad that the game against Denver will probably be blacked out. I would have loved to see Denver's game plan against the Bills. Tebow and McGehee will probably run wild. If Tebow throws the ball more than ten times I will be shocked.
2) Your King tried to watch the Sabres game against the Pittsburgh Penguins this past Saturday. I knew what the result was going to be after Miller whiffed on that shot from the blue line early in the first. After two more goals and Miller being replaced by Enroth I had had enough. I did what any normal person would do and plugged in a good movie about mutated ants. "Them!" was a classic from the mid-fifties and I enjoyed it. After the movie was over I went back to the game. It was 8-3 at that point and I was figuring that owner Terry Pegula would probably love to feed his team to those mutant ants. They play as if they have tuned out Coach Ruff, injuries notwithstanding. I have never been a fan of Mindy Ruff and I feel that his time has past. Boy, how I wish they could have brought in Ken Hitchcock before he was snapped up by St. Louis. And Ken is doing a marvelous job there at this time. MSG is threatening to pull its programming off the air on Time Warner cable on January 1st. That means we would not be able to watch the Sabres and at this time I feel MSG would be doing us a favor.
3) Is there any bigger pig in this world, and reason for the death penalty, than the totally disgusting Richard Dallas of Wayne County New York?? This pervert sexually abused a nine month old baby girl. Only emergency surgery saved this baby's life and she will have to endure even more surgeries thanks to this pigs actions. This ass deserves the death penalty for what he has done to this baby. I can only hope that when he is sentenced that he is put into the prison's general population because, while they may be convicts, they have a code of ethics and will give this pig what he deserves. Hopefully a one way ticket to hell. Even Satan probably would not want this ass in hell. I hope this pig rots.
4) Why are we continuing the ridiculous embargo of Cuba? For crying out loud we fought a war with Vietnam and we now have decent diplomatic relations with them. The way to derail Cuba's regime is to open up trade with them. Hell, we opened up trade with China and now they are better capitalists than we are. It is time we drop the embargo and move forward. The really tiny baby steps that Raul Castro is making now could be made larger with open diplomatic relations with the Cuban government. The thing is that Cuba has never really experienced a government by democracy. Before Fidel Castro there was General Batista who was a right wing strongman that we supported. Opening relations will improve the flow of democratic principles into that country. Cubans will see what the real world is like and will want a piece of the action. Hey, it can't hurt.
5) It is now December 19th and we have only had about two inches of snow this winter season. Last year at this time we had forty five inches. I feel for the skiers but I would not mind going through an entire winter like this. After last year's nightmare we deserve a year off and it would have been an even bigger nightmare if the main storm track hadn't shifted of us for a bit late in that winter. We still received plenty of lake snow late season but the real storms pummeled other areas. There was a storm that pummeled Chicago, just ask the Weather Channel's Jim Cantore who was there, and was headed in our direction but it petered out by the time it reached us despite a winter storm warning posted here for it. Even Alaska is not as cold as it usually is at this time of year. Could it be global warming?? It is a distinct possibility though the nation's republicans call global warming a bunch of bull shazit. It is amazing that a topic like this has become a partisan football but hey, that is our divided nation in inaction. Ugh.
Well I have had enough typing for tonight. This is your King wishing for you to have a pleasant evening.
WAIT!!! By popular demand I am bringing back an old royal mumbling from December 2010 for a replay. I hope you enjoy it as it is still relevant as we, the people, are about to get screwed royally by the House Republicans. Thank you Mr. Speaker of the House Boehner.
2) Well we got our tax bill signed despite the best efforts of the GOP to keep this stalled until their millionaire and billionaire buddies got their cuts too. This bill also had relief for the unemployed as it extended their benefits but the GOP held out. Here is an 'interview' with Senator Mitch McConnell-R, Kentucky courtesy of the Moronica AP:
"Senator, why are you holding up the bill for tax relief for the poor and middle class and assistance for the unemployed?"
"We are not supporting this bill until they include tax relief for my millionaire and billionaire supporters. Those poor souls need it too."
"But Mr. McConnell, what about the poor and unemployed who really need this relief to survive?"
"Are there no prisons? Are the workhouses out of business?"
"Sir, the prisons are full of convicted criminals and all of the workhouses are now in India and China."
"Harrumph. This interview is over."
He then stormed away from our reporter. Senator Harry Reid was heard mumbling as he walked by: "At least we now know what GOP stands for: Greed Over the Poor." (Remember, my GOP friends, that this is just a blog of moronica)
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